RESONATE ‘Poems and Pics’ Book Launch and Exhibition

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This event celebrates the wonderful creativity of residents at Perrott House, Skibbereen Community Hospital and Ard Realt, Bantry, in creating a book of poems and illustrations with the support of artists Colm Rooney and Sarah Ruttle. Skibbereen Community Choir and Bantry Community Choir will join in marking this joyful event. This event is open to family of residents and campus staff only.

Kindly supported by Musicalive, HSE.

Poems and Pics at Skibbereen Library: Saturday, July 29th – August 31st

A selection of poems and illustrations, from the book ‘Poems and Pics’, created by the residents of Perrott House, Skibbereen Community Hospital and Ard Realt, Bantry, will be exhibited at Skibbereen Library.

Perrott House poets in Skibbereen recently worked in collaboration with artist Colm Rooney to make a collection of poetry. In the development of his work, Ard Realt Illustrators in Bantry were invited to work on making a series of illustrations in response to these poems, sharing a creative conversation between the two communities. Working with artist Sarah Ruttle, the group in Ard Realt chose a selection of poems to inspire new artwork. ‘Poems and Pics’ is the resultant book, bringing together the contribution of some incredibly generous and creative participants. This book gives a small glimpse into the creative engagement of Arts and Health work taking place in Mental Health Care settings in West Cork.

Resonate partnering with 49 North Street to promote creativity and wellbeing in our community.